Stockport School of Gymnastics


Preston Invitational


This competition was held at the West View Leisure Centre in Preston, on Sunday 31st October.

This was the first time that SSoG have taken part in the 2 piece competition in Preston and the younger members of the club entered in preparation for the Grades.

Well done to SSoG Medallists:

India Roderick and Becky Roberts

We do not have any score, but here are the positions:


Competition 1

    Floor Vault Overall
Rebecca Roberts 6th 2nd 7th
Martha Yates 6th 8th 8th
Emily Barber 5th 5th 6th
Hayleigh Blissett 4th 6th 5th

* Becky Roberts also won the Artistry Award for her floor routine


Competition 2

    Floor Vault Overall
India Roderick 3rd 4th 4th