Stockport School of Gymnastics


North West 

Grades Finals 2011

The competition was held on the 19th February at  Birchwood.

After the best county grades competition from Stockport Gymnasts since I can remember, there were 7 SSoG gymnasts who earned their place in the regional finals.

Lauren Burgess and Georgina Blackburn - Grade 13 in age Team Members

Georgia Mather, Rebecca Shard, Ella McKie-Crane - Grade 11 Team Members

Katy Fairbrother - Grade 10 Team Member

Susan Roberts - Grade 11 Individual Finalist

After the GMGA grades, the gymnasts had 2 training sessions at Sparks Gymnastics Club, and

prepared with their Greater Manchester team mates for the finals.  

The girls performed brilliantly and were a credit to the club and to the Greater Manchester Team, with the Grade 13 and 11 teams placing 1st Overall, and the Grade 10 team placing 3rd Overall.

Individual highlights:

Georgina Blackburn - 3rd Bars

Rebecca Shard - 1st Vault,    1st Bars

Susan Roberts -  1st Vault,     1st Floor

Ella McKie-Crane - 2nd Vault,     3rd Bars

See below for full SSoG results and some pictures. 


Grade 13 In-Age

        SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV Score Pos Score Pos
Georgina Blackburn 13.500 11.500 11 13.500 11.767 3 13.500 10.234 12 13.000 11.234 12 44.735 10
Lauren Burgess 13.500 11.467 12 13.500 11.634 5 13.500 10.434 11 13.500 11.934 5 45.469 7

Georgina and Lauren - Team Gold Medalists 


Grade 11

       SV  Score Pos SV Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV Score Pos Score Pos
Rebecca Shard 13.500 12.534 1 13.500 12.567 1 12.500 10.434 14 13.500 11.200 6 46.735 7
Ella McKie-Crane 13.500 12.500 2 13.500 12.300 3 13.500 10.400 15 13.000 10.634 9 45.834 11
Susan Roberts 13.500 12.534 1 13.500 11.634 15 12.500 9.567 18 13.500 11.934 1 45.669 12

Ella, Susan and Rebecca - Team Gold Medalists


Grade 10

       SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV Score Pos Score Pos
Katy Fairbrother 13.500 11.950 8 13.500 11.797 6 13.000 8.534 12 13.500 11.000 7 43.251 11

Katy - Team Bronze Medalist