Stockport School of Gymnastics


GMGA and NWAGA Club Grades 2004

The Greater Manchester Grades Competition for 4, 5 and 6 were held on the weekend of 21st/22nd February 2004 at the Dialstone Recreation Centre.  

Laura Sefton came 2nd overall in Grade 5 out of Age, and will represent the GMGA at the regional finals.

Laura also came 1st on the bars and 2nd on the beam

The North West Grades Competition for 1,2 and 3 were held on the 7th March 2004 in Southport. 

Claire Ferguson came 6th overall in Grade 1 and is a non travelling reserve for the North West team competing in the National finals in April. Well done Claire.

Also note that Alison won the Beam and Claire won Bars in the Grade 1 competition.

Stockport Results are Shown Below


Grade 6 in Age

Name Vault Bars Beam Floor Range & Cond Overall
           Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Gemma Humphrey 9.100 10 8.500 9 8.700 11 8.800 11 8.533 18 43.633 15


Grade 6 out of Age

Name Vault Bars Beam Floor Range & Cond Overall
                Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Annie Greenwood 8.950 11 8.550 9 8.500 8 8.567 9 8.600 15 43.167 12
Olivia Smith 9.100 9 8.425 11 8.250 10 8.100 14 8.816 10 42.691 13
Millie Ratcliffe 9.200 8 8.250 13 7.450 14 8.300 12 8.800 11 42.000 16


Grade 5 out of Age

Name Vault Bars Beam Floor Range & Cond Overall
        Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Laura Sefton 9.330 9 8.750 5 8.700 2 9.510 1 8.650 11 44.940 2
Clarissa Hayward 9.380 6 8.225 10 7.800 6 8.830 8 8.575 12 42.610 9


Grade 4 out of Age

Name Vault Bars Beam Floor Range & Cond Overall
           Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Kirsty Mansfield 9.050 6 8.700 5 7.460 10 8.800 5 9.260 7 43.270 6
Stevie Taylor 8.650 9 8.650 6 8.430 2 8.260 12 9.230 8 43.220 7


Grade 3

Name Floor Vault Bars Beam Overall
            Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Catherine Douglas 7.250 38 8.900 14 6.850 39 5.950 39 28.950 40
Claire Leach 7.650 34 8.850 23 8.750 10 6.200 36 31.450 30
Nicola Perkins 7.750 32 8.750 26 8.600 15 6.025 38 31.125 32
Leah Richardson 6.600 41 8.550 36 7.850 28 5.625 42 26.625 42
Vicki Wilson 9.050 5 8.750 26 8.300 21 7.450 26 33.550 15
Kaye Powel 7.900 28 8.900 14 5.750 42 7.525 22 30.075 36


Grade 1

Name Floor Vault Beam Bars Overall
                     Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position Score Position
Sara Shoesmith 8.400 10 8.675 14 8.683 5 6.050 22 31.808 14
Jade Waldron 7.633 19 8.300 21 6.567 16 7.700 14 30.200 18
Alison Brocklehurst 7.583 21 8.600 16 8.900 1 8.450 12 33.533 9
Claire Ferguson 8.417 9 8.575 18 7.733 9 9.350 1 34.075 6
Mandy Smith 7.900 16 8.750 12 5.000 23 8.500 11 30.150 19