Stockport School of Gymnastics


North West 

National Grades 2012 



On Sunday 19th February 2012,  Stockport School of Gymnastics entered our first gymnasts into the National Grades.  

Rebekah Mooney,  Lauren Burgess and Georgina Blackburn all entered National Grade 8; and despite being some of the youngest gymnasts in a competition of nearly 50 competitors, all three gymnasts performed brilliantly and passed their first National Grade. 

Well done girls!!

See below for SSoG scores


National Grade 8

   Vault Bars Beam Floor    Overall     (4 piece)
   SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV  Score Pos SV Score Pos Score Pos
Lauren Burgess 13.500 12.000 12 13.500 11.650 10 13.500 10.800 14 13.500 9.900 29 44.350 25
Georgina Blackburn 13.500 11.450 21 13.500 11.550 12 13.000 10.840 13 13.500 10.034 28 43.874 32
Rebekah Mooney 13.500 11.800 16 13.500 11.650 10 13.500 10.167 22 13.500 11.034 12 44.651 22


     Range and Conditioning  Overall   (5 piece)
     SV  Score Pos Score Pos
Lauren Burgess 13.000 12.000 12 55.150 26
Georgina Blackburn 13.500 10.734 19 54.608 31
Rebekah Mooney 13.000 9.500 31 54.151 33