Stockport School of Gymnastics





For newspaper cuttings from 2004  click here

Clarissa Hayward singing at the Christmas Party


Gymnast of the Year - Mandy Smith


Sara Shoesmith wins the Frank Williams Trophy in the Club Championship

Sara Shoesmith, Mandy Smith, Claire Ferguson


Appley Bridge Novice Competition November

Kayleigh Hyland, Helen Johnson, Hollie Ward, Shushana Brennan



The NWAGA Novice and Intermediate Championship October

Kirsty Mansfield, Emma Leach, Stevie Taylor, Jessica Todd, Rebecca Harrop, Sarah Potter, Vicki Wilson


The NWAGA Novice and Intermediate Championship October

Nicola Perkins, Mandy Smith, Claire Ferguson



The South Manchester Invitational Competition July

Allannah Birtwhistle, Jessica Brown, Laura Sefton, Stevie Taylor, Clarissa Hayward, Sarah Potter, Emma Leach, Kaye Powell, Leah Richardson, Nicola Perkins, Hollie Ward, Kayleigh Hyland, Jessica Todd, Vicki Wilson



Appearance on Pure FM Radio, June

Leah Richardson, Claire Leach, Katie Smith, Nicola Perkins, Laura Sefton, Vicki Healy, Catherine Douglas


French Exchange May

Laura Sefton makes the GMGA squad for Grade 5 at the NWAGA finals


GMGA Grades, held at Dialstone in February.

Gemma Humphrey, Annie Greenwood, Olivia Smith, Millie Ratcliffe