Stockport School of Gymnastics


GM Floor and Vault Championships 2011


This competition was held at Fit City which is the home of Salford Gymnastics, and saw a large number of gymnasts from Stockport competing over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd July.

This was a successful competition with a number of medals from Stockport gymnasts, and it also gave our youngest club gymnasts their first opportunity to compete for the club. Well done to all competing gymnasts!

Congratulations to Eleri MacLeod - Intermediate Under 13 Champion  2011


For SSoG results, see below


Pre-Novice Aged 6

        Floor Vault Overall
        Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Ruby Hewitt 12.233 5 10.500 12 22.733 9
Brodie Tideswell 11.366 11 10.233 13 21.599 12

Ruby won the award for the Most Artistic Floor Routine


Pre-Novice Aged 7

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Charlotte Cleaver 12.466 7 10.750 12 23.216 12
Charlotte Wells 10.100 19 11.300 5 21.400 21
Tia Albert 12.366 8 11.550 1 23.916 4
Anna Marsh 12.000 12 10.550 14 22.550 18

Charlotte C won the floor awards for Best Dance Elements and for the Least Deductions

Tia won the vault awards for Best Squat or Straddle Through and for the Least Deductions


Pre-Novice Aged 8

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Hayleigh Blissett 11.933 21 11.100 9 23.033 18
Emily Barber 12.366 10 11.250 6 23.616 8



Pre-Novice Aged 10

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Maisie Leonard 11.933 10 11.400 4 23.333 9
Lilliana Ashton 12.100 6 11.300 6 23.400 7



Pre-Novice Aged 11

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Grace Wheeler 12.433 3 10.800 9 23.233 5



Pre-Novice Aged 12

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Georgia Mullany 11.533 5 11.166 1 22.699 2



Novice Aged 8

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Martha Yates 11.733 8 10.766 5 22.499 7
Rebecca Roberts 11.966 7 10.666 6 22.632 5



Novice Aged 9

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Kate Martin 12.700 7 11.000 8 23.700 8



Novice Aged 10

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
India Roderick 12.033 9 9.866 11 21.899 12



Novice Aged 12

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Fern Evans 12.300 8 10.966 3 23.266 4



Novice Aged 13+

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Suzanne Thorndyke 12.766 6 11.000 6 23.766 5
Lizzie Vearnals 11.700 9 11.566 2 23.366 10



Intermediate Under 13

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Eleri MacLeod 13.933 1 11.700 2 25.633 1



Intermediate 13 and Over

      Floor Vault Overall
      Score Pos Score Pos Score Pos
Laura Hallworth 13.133 4 10.833 7 23.966 4
Phoebe Hulme 13.033 5 10.366 10 23.399 9