Stockport School of Gymnastics


Club Championships 2011

The Club Championships 2011 was held at the Dialstone Centre on Saturday 19th November, and saw some fantastic performances from our club gymnasts. 

Congratulations to our 2011 champions:

Carla Mansfield            Chloe Astley      

Ella Cleaver                  Kate Martin

Grace Haughton         Fern Evans

Georgia Mullany          Brodie Tideswell

See below for results

Development Group 2 Piece

       S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Brodie Tideswell 13.500 11.950 2 13.300 11.800 1 23.750 1
Frankie Coates 13.500 11.800 3 13.300 11.200 3 23.000 3
Ruby Hewitt 13.500 12.100 1 13.100 11.600 2 23.700 2
Chloe Redshaw 13.500 11.800 3 13.100 10.800 4 22.600 4

Most artistic floor routine:    Ruby Hewitt


Congratulations to the Stockport School of Gymnastics Development Group Champion 2011 - BRODIE TIDESWELL


Pre-Novice 2 Piece

   S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Jemma Woods 12.000 11.000 4 13.900 11.900 6 22.900 4
Lilliana Ashton 12.400 10.600 6 14.300 11.650 7 22.250 7
Maisie Leonard 12.400 10.800 5 13.900 12.100 4 22.900 4
Grace Wheeler 12.400 10.400 7 14.300 12.650 1 23.050 3
Georgia Mullany 12.400 11.200 2 14.300 12.500 2 23.700 1
Emily Barber 12.000 10.300 8 14.100 12.000 5 22.300 6
Hayleigh Blissett 12.400 10.000 9 13.900 12.400 3 22.400 5
India Roderick 12.000 11.150 3 14.300 12.500 2 23.650 2
Isabella Davenport-Brown 12.000 11.250 1 12.600 10.400 8 21.650 8

Most artistic floor routine:    Hayleigh Blissett


Congratulations to the Stockport School of Gymnastics Pre-Novice 2 Piece Champion 2011 - GEORGIA MULLANY


Novice 2-Piece

   S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Belle Walsh 12.400 10.200 4 14.800 12.250 1 22.450 3
Chelsie Collins 12.400 10.000 5 14.400 10.300 5 20.300 5
Suzanne Thorndyke 12.400 11.050 3 14.100 10.400 4 21.450 4
Fern Evans 12.400 11.250 2 14.800 11.900 2 23.150 1
Phoebe Hulme 12.400 11.300 1 14.800 11.750 3 23.050 2

Most artistic floor routine:    Fern Evans


Congratulations to the Stockport School of Gymnastics Novice 2 Piece Champion 2011 - FERN EVANS


Grades Trophy

     S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Charlotte Cleaver 13.500 12.700 3 13.500 12.700 1 13.500 12.450 2 13.000 11.550 4 49.4000 2
Charlotte Wells 13.500 12.500 4 13.500 12.600 2 13.500 12.250 3 13.500 11.900 3 49.250 3
Anna Marsh     13.500 12.800 2 13.500 12.300 4 13.500 11.750 4 13.500 12.050 1 48.900 4
Grace Haughton 13.500 13.000 1 13.500 12.550 3 13.500 12.500 1 13.500 12.000 2 50.050 1

Most artistic floor routine:    Charlotte Cleaver


Congratulations to the winner of the Stockport School of Gymnastics Grades Trophy Winner 2011 - GRACE HAUGHTON


Primary Group

      S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Kate Martin 13.500 12.700 1 14.300 12.650 2 25.350 1
Martha Yates 13.500 12.500 3 14.300 12.450 3 24.950 3
Rebecca Roberts 13.500 12.500 3 14.300 11.350 4 23.850 4
Victoria Houghton 13.500 12.600 2 14.300 12.700 1 25.300 2

Most artistic floor routine:    Victoria Houghton


Congratulations to the winner of the Stockport School of Gymnastics Primary Group Competition 2011 - KATE MARTIN


President's Shield :   Pre-Novice 4-Piece

      S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Chloe Andrew 12.400 10.900 6 14.100 12.800 2 14.800 12.800 5 14.300 12.500 7 49.000 5
Ella Cleaver 12.400 11.600 1 14.100 12.700 3 14.800 12.850 4 14.300 13.350 1 50.500 1
Eleanor Mills 12.400 11.150 3 14.100 12.100 5 14.800 12.450 7 14.300 13.000 3 48.700 6
Lauren Burgess 12.400 11.000 4 14.100 11.900 6 14.800 13.000 2 14.300 13.150 2 49.050 4
Olivia Fletcher 12.400 10.900 6 14.100 12.450 4 14.800 13.350 1 14.300 12.700 5 49.400 3
Sarah Burns 12.400 11.200 2 14.300 13.300 1 13.600 11.450 8 14.300 12.750 4 48.700 6
Isabella Stanyer 12.400 10.950 5 14.100 11.600 7 14.800 12.650 6 14.300 11.500 8 46.700 7
Isobelle Blissett 12.400 11.150 3 14.300 12.800 2 14.800 12.950 3 14.300 12.600 6 49.500 2

                                 Most artistic floor routine:    Ella Cleaver and Lauren Burgess


Congratulations to the winner of the Stockport School of Gymnastics President's Shield 2011 - ELLA CLEAVER


Novice 4-Piece

     S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Ella       McKieCrane 13.000 11.500 3 14.600 12.350 4 15.800 13.550 2 15.500 14.150 1 51.550 2
Chloe    Astley 13.000 11.400 5 15.100 12.900 1 15.800 13.800 1 15.500 13.900 2 52.000 1
Georgia Mather       14.600 12.550 2 14.600 12.400 5          
Sophie Richards 13.000 11.450 4 14.400 11.900 7 15.300 10.750 9 15.300 12.750 6 46.850 6
Rebecca Shard 13.000 11.600 2 14.800 12.400 3 15.100 11.750 8 15.300 13.450 4 49.200 4
Georgia Hewitt 13.000 11.700 1 14.100 11.350 9 15.100 12.700 4 15.300 12.350 9 48.100 6
Jade     Hollick 13.000 10.100 7 14.900 12.100 6 15.300 12.200 6 15.300 12.400 8 46.300 8
Leandra Brennan 13.000 11.500 3 15.100 12.300 5 15.500 13.450 3 15.500 13.600 3 50.850 3
Samantha Hall 13.000 11.150 6 14.600 11.700 8 14.400 10.100 10 15.300 12.550 7 45.500 8
Katy Fairbrother 13.000 11.700 1 14.900 12.300 5 14.600 12.000 7 15.300 13.200 5 48.700 5

Most artistic floor routine:    Ella McKie Crane


Congratulations to the winner of the Stockport School of Gymnastics Novice 4 Piece Competition 2011 - CHLOE ASTLEY


Frank Williams Trophy :   Level 4 (age group rules)

     S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position S.V Score Position Score Position
Carla Mansfield 12.400 11.450 1 13.700 11.850 1 13.700 10.350 1 13.700 11.200 1 44.850 1
Rebekah Mooney 12.400 11.400 2 13.300 11.200 2 13.500 9.000 3 13.500 11.100 2 42.750 2
Eleanor Green 12.400 11.250 3 13.700 10.850 3 12.400 9.350 2 13.500 10.750 3 42.200 3

Most artistic floor routine:    Eleanor Green


Congratulations to the winner of the Stockport School of Gymnastics Frank Williams Trophy 2011 - CARLA MANSFIELD